Under the Blue Sky

Living in another country for more than one year, but I don't feel sad or discouraged. I know that I am under the same bule sky as my family and friends are no matter where we are, no matter how far we are.

Monday, June 26, 2006

England won...My first Gamble!

Thank you, Backham! Becuase of you, I won my first fortune. Although there are only few pounds, this is my first time to gamble and even win money.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Two years in Southampton (Chinese version)

來英國已經兩年了 二00四年的今天我告別了家人 踏上了英國這塊土地
懷抱著一顆忐忑不安的心情 獨自來到異鄉展開求學之旅
如今 交了不少台灣好友及國際友人 論文順利完成通過 也如願在英國找到理想的工作
這一點一點的積累都是由於周遭關心我的老師、同學和親朋好友們的協助 與主的愛戴
我才能堅持自己的理想 不畏艱難地面對所有的挑戰

在英國經歷許多大小事情 有好有壞 有喜有悲
但我深深感受到自己遇到的好人 好事 遠遠超過任何不愉快的經驗
所以也甚少向朋友們提及不好的遭遇 因為我知道沒有這些不愉快的經驗
我又豈能感受到家人和朋友們對我的關懷 以及主的恩典
因此這一切都要感謝主的引領 讓我知道要感恩周遭的人們對我的好
因為沒有任何人應該對我們好 沒有任何事情是應該理所當然的接受
遇到失敗也毋需難過 因為當上帝為我們關了這扇門 就一定會再為我們開另一扇窗

因此當我面對論文壓力時 我知道我有指導教授和家人朋友們的鼓勵與支持
當我面對找房子壓力時 我有親朋好友的祈禱與祝福 來英國搬了無數次家
但也因此認識許多朋友 也有機會和英國房東同住
面對找工作壓力時 我有學長朋友們分享經驗、為我祈禱、支持與肯定我的能力
所以 每每當我生起要放棄的念頭時 周遭的親朋好友們個個都為我緊張 要我別放棄

當我完成論文後 獨自跑到歐洲旅遊一個月時
每天祈禱主賜給我平安的旅途 但我獲得的豈止是平安而已
途中遇到許多好人相助 在義大利和希臘又獲得朋友和其親人的熱情款待
給我家的溫暖 讓我離別時 眼淚都忍不住落下
我知道 這一切的一切都不是必然的結果 所以我更感謝上帝所賜給我的一切

而我也感受到上帝用祂的行動和話語安撫我的情緒 並賜給我智慧去面對未知的將來
所以當我從面試的地方前往劍橋時 天氣逐漸晴朗溫暖 而當我接到拒絕的電話時
僅有短短幾秒的失落感 因為在劍橋市區下車時 我感受到主對我的愛
溫暖的陽光撒落在我的身上 我最愛的城市以它最美麗的姿態在我的面前呈現
試問有誰的心情能沮喪 有誰能走在美麗的國王學院康河邊 卻是惆悵著臉ㄋ
因為我知道上帝一定會引領我 走向屬於我的地方 就如同我從台灣來到南安一樣

再過一個多月 我就要正式脫離學生生涯 拿到碩士學位了
也要前往另一個城市展開我的新生活 又要置身在一個全然陌生的環境中
雖然不捨在南安生活即將結束 也不捨在這裡的知心好友們
但是我知道我應當知足 因為上帝安排我在一個距離南安不遠的城市
所以我毋需煩惱離開南安後會是孤單一人 也可以有空回來南安探望朋友們

因此我之後會帶著親朋好友們滿滿的祝福與鼓勵 在異地努力打拼
也希望大家完成論文後 各奔前程之時

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Thank You So Much Indeed!

Today is the longest day in this year which means that I have come to the UK and stayed here for two years. I came here alone and arrived in Southampton in the morning on 22nd June 2004. Times flies...It has been two years already. There are lots of things happened to me. No matter what happened to me was good or bad, I would take those good memories with me forever and learned for the bad memorties. Thanks God for blessing me all the time. I know no matter where I am, God is with me. Therefore, I can be brave and carry on my life in the UK.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Got a school job offer! What to do next?!

On 15th June, I woke up quite early. I've got up early recently because there was a construction behind the house I stay. I was not sober and very sleepy Actually, this was the last chance for me, cause I don't want to waste time on searching jobs if I have to go back in the end of July. I decided not to look for job or attend any interview after 15th June. It was soooooooo amazing that I got this job offer on 15th June. I think that God did listen to me and prepared everything for me. However, since I won't go back to Taiwan, I found that I have lots of things to deal with before I start working.....such as work permit, visa extension, accommodation, graduation ceremony, trip with my family...etc. Dear father in Heaven, please please help me to sort out these things one by one soon. Thank you for loving me so much!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thank you, Lord!

Dear Father in Heaven,

I am here to say thank you for whatever you prepare for me. I am so grateful how much you love me and bless me all the time. Thank you for giving me this great opportunity to teach in a dyslexia school from this September. I know that it is a tough job for me to start a new life in another city in England, but I know with you there is nothing to worry about. I will do my best and give all of my faith to you. I pray to you that keeping blessing me and giving me courage and wisdom to know how to do and what to do next, and helping me to sort things out step by step.

I am also thankful that there are so many friends and my family caring about me and encouraging me when I am stressed. I can only do my best to work hard and take good care of myself to appreciate their love and concerns.

Thank you, Lord. I know that you will prepare for me everything I need. I will always follow you and I know with you everything is possible!

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Where is my Mr. Right?

I believe that every woman wishes to meet her Mr. Right, and I am not the exception. However, I still have no idea where my Mr. Right is. If you find anyone who meets the following requirements, please let me know as soon as possible! ^^

My Mr. Right ........

He doesn't need to be tall, then I can kiss his lips easily and keep looking at his eyes. But I don't mind if he is tall, because he can protect me and tell me how beautiful view he sees from his height.

He doesn't need to be handsome, or he might spend more time to love himself than me. If he doesn't care about his appearance, he might not expect me to dress up and make up all the time. We can feel free and relaxed to be together whatever we look like and whatever we wear.

He doesn't need to be thin, then I can lie on his belly as my pillow. I can hold his waist and feel his love.

He doesn't need to be rich, because I believe that nothing can buy happiness and health. We can be happy no matter how much we have when we love each other.

He doesn't need to be smart, because smart men may not know how to enjoy their lives.

He doesn' t need to work very hard, because he knows that there are some things more important than working. He would spend time with me and know how to enjoy his life.

I don't mind if he drinks, smokes, but he must respect people around him and know how to control himself.

However, he must believe in God, he must respect me, he must be ambitious, he must be brave, he must have his own dreams, he must be a people person, he must be humorous, he must be patient, he must make me feel secure and happy all the time, and he must like kids, dogs, cats and any other animals. I believe that men who like kids and animals cannot be bad guys.

Therefore, my dear friends, please please please....
If you see any guy who looks like my descriptions, please tell me where he is. No matter how far he is, I will go for it with courage.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Fragile love!

Love is like a china vase,
With pretty skillful painting to decorate a room.
However, it is also very fragile and easy to break.
Once it is broken, it is difficult to be mended as it was looked like.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Iranian Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! (In English)
Tavallodet Mobarak! (in Persian)
生日快樂! (in Chinese)

It is a busy Friday to me. I went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner with friends, and then we went to Talking head to listen to a live Jazz performance. It was a shame that there was only one Jazz song....But it was quite nice to go there and listen to good music with friends. Then I got a phone call from a friend who invited me to go for a birthday party. I was confused who's birthday is, but I still went for the party with a friend. The birthday party was held in a Persian restaurant which I have been there once. It was so nice to see many friends and I had a wonderful time there. I also learned how to say happy birthday in Persian.